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Precision City

Better transport and urban planning, driven by vision, data and curiosity.

Precision City combines policy, economics and engineering to help you build cities that work for the future. We start from the principle that anything is possible.

Better transport planning
Better is possible

Where the rubber
meets the road

We believe informed experimentation helps cities adapt and thrive. Our approach is to gather the best possible evidence from around the world – and then we support you to give things a go.

About us

Precision City is a strategic infrastructure consultancy driven by Peter Cockrem, a multidisciplinary expert at the intersection of policy, economics and engineering urban systems.

He is passionate about effective, efficient and inclusive cities that tackle climate change, housing affordability, and social equity challenges – with an innovative perspective from on-the-ground experience of land use and transport in 60 countries.

Peter Cockrem


  • Business case objectives diagram

    Business cases & processes

    Find out what's really going on. We help uncover the missing parts of the puzzle so you can make better use of your programmes and budgets.

  • Urban design policy diagram

    Strategic policy

    Vision & adaptive rules that keep you on track. We help set up positive feedback loops in land use and transport policy, and create scenarios covering future uncertainties — including transitions away from equilibrium.

  • Engineering diagram

    Transport engineering

    Design it better. Engineering designs and standards that make your priorities into realities. We can audit your current state and create actions to get you where you want to be.

  • Transport engineering diagram

    Urban masterplans

    See the big picture. What will your city or neighbourhood need in 100 years? What choices can people make? How can infrastructure be efficient, affordable and resilient?

  • Communication diagram

    Design and communication

    Reach people. Storytelling and content creation for consultation and engagement.

  • Technology diagram

    Data and visualisation

    Find meaning. We can set you up with cutting-edge tools and pipelines to deliver better results — faster.

We help you make
the best choices


Shape impactful objectives

Projects and programmes often fail to make a real difference because of a focus on superficial symptoms.

We dig deeper with system thinking to help you craft investment objectives and policy goals that really matter.

Business case development, investment logic mapping, and strategic planning all rely on this critical foundation.

Develop better options

You can't make the right choice without the right ideas!

Our multi-disciplinary perspective brings you a whole new array of possibilities, including win-win solutions from the global frontier.

Option development and long-listing that combines transport, land use, policy and technology can solve your problems more effectively and efficiently than conventional siloed thinking.


Communicate effectively

Patience and empathy go a long way in building consensus on challenging topics.

We look beyond surface positions to connect with people's deeper values - inside organisations and with the public.

We help people reach agreement on pragmatic solutions by finding the values and challenges we can agree on, and providing people with the tools and perspective to arrive at shared conclusions together.

Make good decisions

The world is changing fast, with serious risks and radical opportunities emerging faster than many people realise.

Economic appraisal, cost-benefit analysis, and multi-criteria decision analysis - we do these with heart and soul. We're passionate about real-world evidence and robust data analysis driving choices that are holistic, feasible, and impactful.

If you're not testing scenarios for climate change impacts and supply chain disruption, are your choices sound?

Wellington waterfront sign People in sunny Wellington Rollerblading in Wellington

Contact us

See what's possible

Today's problems won't be solved with the same thinking that created them. Let's take a fresh look!